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What the media says

  የኢንሹራንስ ኢንዱስትሪውን ዘግይተው ከተቀላቀሉት መካከል አንዱ የሆነው ዘመን ኢንሹራንስ ኩባንያ ዓመታዊ ትርፉን ከሦስት እጥፍ በላይ ማሳደጉን አስታወቀ፡፡ ኩባንያው የ2016 የሒሳብ ዓመት የሥራ አፈጻጸሙን በተመለከተ ለሪፖርተር እንዳሳወቀው፣ በተጠናቀቀው የሒሳብ ዓመት ከታክስ በፊት 181.3 ሚሊዮን ብር አትርፏል፡፡ ከታክስ በኋላ ያገኘው የትርፍ መጠን 151.3 ሚሊዮን ብር መሆኑን የኩባንያው ዓመታዊ ሪፖርት ያመለክታል፡፡ ከታክስ በፊትም ሆነ በኋላ ያገኘው ትርፍ […]

Message from the CEO

DEAR SHARHOLDERS I am very grateful to extend my message on the 6th Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders after successfully concluding the year ended June 30,2024. ZISC joined the insurance industry four years ago as of January 2020 that made its participation in the industry for the last four years only. As it is […]

What the media says

Zemen Insurance reports seventeen-fold increase in profits. The company has experienced a remarkable growth in the previous fiscal year, marking a significant milestone for the insurance sector. As the newest player in the industry, the company reported a substantial increase in profit before taxes. read the full story on this link. https://www.capitalethiopia.com/2023/10/22/zemen-insurance-reports-seventeen-fold-increase-in-profits/